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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Book Review: Innocence in Time by Chai Galapon

Innocence in Time is a modern tale that gave a refreshing twist to our favorite Disney fairy tales. The book is written by the Filipino Author Chai C. Galapon.

It is a wonderful read for all ages as the story is full of life lessons and surprises. It is highly recommended that readers are familiar with the stories of Cinderella, Snow White, and Beauty, and the Beast. 

For someone who practically grew up watching and reading these fairy tale stories, this book has definitely provided me some sort of "closure" far from the typical fairy tale ending of "They lived happily ever after." 

About the Book:

When the 12 princes from different fairy tale kingdoms were captured by the evil witch, everything in mankind's history changes. Only one person could bring back all that's been taken. Will Tatiana Rose be able to save us from the evil witch's wrath? How and why would she do that and risks everything that's important to her?

For more information or if you would like to order this book: 
Please check their Facebook page: Innocence in Time