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Saturday, November 21, 2015

//Social Constructs : All About Passion For Music

They say that a lot of people express themselves through music which I totally agree with. Whether we are happy, sad or worried, there would always be a corresponding "theme song of our life" for that moment. We opt to either sing along or just plainly listen and let us drift our thoughts with it. 

However, Paincake Patrol, a one-man electronic music project by musician, Eeman Bulotano would like to take this to a different level. Launching //Social Constructs on December 5, 2015 at Today x Future in Cubao, Quezon City, this project aims to make people listen to music without having to ignore the person standing next to them. The project will provide music that "makes you think, but yet somehow not distract you at all." 

This experimental solo project is focused on creating alternative electronic and ambient music, reflecting the artist’s experiences and views on existence in general.

The idea behind //Social Constructs and Paincake Patrol itself is inspired and widely influenced by the very existence of ambient music as pioneered by Brian Leno during the 1980’s. Usually electronic and instrumental in nature, ambient music aims to create a perfect balance between disappearance and presence.

Though it has existed for a long time now, ambient music remains relatively unknown to the mainstream crowd as it is seen as "too smart" or "overly deep.” Personally, I was just using this for my animation projects and videos since the sound are pretty unique and perfect as a background music. 

However, Eeman and many other ambient music artists see this type of music as simpler and more relatable compared to any other genre because it provides the chance to be freely interpreted by its listeners. Thus, being exposed to this new genre would be very refreshing given that it is powered by the experiences and emotions not just by the one who created the music but also by those whom the music is created for.

Songs from this genre evolve from the mere self-expression of one artist into many different stories weaved by those present in the audience. They are taken and understood in more ways than one – similar to how individuals give meaning to various things and, ultimately, to life.

Music relives one’s memories, and the entire Paincake Patrol project intends to elicit nostalgia while stimulating thought-provoking conversations. With this particular EP, the artist focused on his view of the general meaning of existence and how empty it may seem when viewed only in an objective and logical way.

Each composition is appropriately titled based heavily on how the artist views reality. Combining master beats with ethereal notes, //Social Constructs’ first three tracks aim to reflect the existential angst and loneliness one might experience when he or she has failed to see reason behind life.

So, are you up for a good genuine passion for music? Join them this December 5, 2015 and check out Paincake Patrol on Facebook, Sound Cloud, Twitter, Instagram and his blog or catch more of Eeman’s keyboards and synths as he plays with Audio Drive Thru.